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Business, Design Alexandra Osudoh Business, Design Alexandra Osudoh

The Brand Essentials Guidebook

Take a dive into The Branding Essentials Guidebook. This guidebook is a curation of easy-to-understand breakdowns of the different elements that could go into creating the visuals for your business's brand. With this, you'll be able to easily determine the tools you need to tell the visual story of your brand.⁠

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Business Alexandra Osudoh Business Alexandra Osudoh

Why You Need A Contract & What To Include In It

So you have a client that you're doing work for and then suddenly you run into some issues. Maybe they want you to do more than what you both agreed on. Or they haven't been very responsive which causes you to spend more time than you wanted on their project. Or worse, they run off and do not pay you for the work did!

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